
Portal Updates

System Alerts

Errors Employer Portal - 20/11/24 - Resolved 6th December

We have an issue whereby Endorsers are receiving error messages when trying to view the details of registrants. We are working to resolve this. If any further information is required on an application or registrant please get in touch.
Endorsing Applications - 19/11/24 - Resolved 6th December

We have an issue whereby Endorsers are unable to view the 1st stage of submitted applications. We are currently working to resolve the issue. Note: You can still endorse the application - 
clicking "ok" on the error 3 times will allow you to proceed to view the application.
Registration Certificate - 18/11/24  - Resolved 6th December

We have an issue whereby some Registrant Certificates cannot be viewed by Employers when using the Employer Portal. We are investigating and will update this page when the issue is resolved. If you need to check if someone is registered, you can do so by checking our Public Facing Register - https://portal.niscc.org/Public-Facing-Register
Public Facing Register - 12/11/24  - Resolved 20th November

An issue was presented when using the Public Facing Register where some fields were inaccessible. This issue has been resolved and all fields can be used.
Application Downtime - 15/10/24

All Application and Renewal forms are back online and can be submitted following scheduled downtime on Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th October.
Payments - 08/10/24

We had an issue where a small number of Payments taken online did not link to the Registrants account. This may have resulted in additional reminders or removal. This issue is now resolved and accounts have been rectified.


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