

Paying a fee? You're in the right place

If you are logged in a ‘Pay now’ button will be below. Can’t see it? You need to log in again.

Invoice Information

Congratulations, you have no outstanding invoices!

Top tips when using our payment process

  • Our system only allows for 20 characters in the ‘name’ field. If you enter more you cannot progress a payment

  • Ensure your name is entered as it appears on the card you are using to pay.

  • If you are using a mobile phone, for some devices you may need to turn it landscape. This will ensure you can see all the buttons you need to progress your payment.

Other reasons we may have directed you here…

In addition to paying a regular annual fee, some registrants may be directed here to do other things.

  • Renewals: As part of registration renewal, which means you should have completed a form, this has brought you here to make a fee payment. You should see an invoice and use the pay now button above. If you cannot see your invoice – you still need to start or complete fully your registration renewal form – buttons to do both are below.

Start a new registration renewal form

Already started? Resume 

  • Removals: If you received a communication from us about being removed from the Public Facing Register you need to click the ‘Reapply’ button below. You must reapply by completing an application form and pay the required fee(s).

Reapply Here 

Record of previous fee payments

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Paid Fees (Hidden)

Service unavailable. If you are not logged in or not registered on the site, please do so and try again. Else please try again later

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